October 2, 2018

What Law Firms Should Know About Employee Deductions Under the Trump Tax Bill

With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act this past December, law firms are scrambling to figure out how the new bill will affect […]
July 18, 2018

Law Firm Profitability by the Numbers

Partners often monitor financial performance by keeping a close eye on the bank account to make sure there’s sufficient cash to meet payroll and other expenses. […]
July 10, 2018

Game of Zones- Tax Opportunities are Coming

The new tax reform bill passed in December of 2017 brought many new changes. One of those was the Opportunity Zone program. This program was created […]
July 10, 2018
Tax reform planning

Ten Reasons to Outsource Your Accounting

If you find yourself bogged down with the day to day accounting functions of your business and seldom believe you have the time to oversee all […]
May 4, 2018

5 Tips to Ensure Your Law Firm is on Track Financially in 2018

Last year is in your rear view mirror, so before you get too far into the second quarter, you need to take steps to make sure […]
January 23, 2018

How the Tax Cut Bill Impacts Lawyers

With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, nearly everyone will see a tax cut starting in 2018. Marginal tax brackets for individuals will […]


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